Area man Pete Brandt has made the best of his basement flooding situation, by tossing a couple plastic giraffes down there and charging admission.
“Yeah, so now that the basement living room is totally ruined, I’m just leaving the water there and opening up my own Noah’s Ark Encounter,” said Brandt. “The Sunday School kids are going to love it.”
Brandt turned down numerous friendly offers of sump pumps and shopvacs, saying he was going to make lemons out of lemonaid.
“It was coming in through the windows. It was coming in through the cracks in the wall,” said Brandt. “It wasn’t 40 days and 40 nights, but it sure felt like it.”
When he felt the case was clear, he sent out a raven to fly on over to Reimer Avenue and check things out.
“He came back with a piece of roll kuchen, so I knew it was safe,” said Brandt. “It’s too bad about the XBox, but the boys will manage, I’m sure.”
Brandt’s Noah’s Ark Encounter opens this weekend with admissions starting at just $10 or $60 for an annual pass.
(photo credit: Wendy Piersall/CC)