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Mennonite Man Out Standing in His Field


Area farmer Abe Friesen, 31, has received high praise this week as several neighbouring farmers noted that he was “out standing in his field.”

“Oba, look at that young Friesen over there out standing in his field,” said rival farmer Jake Hiebert. “I bet he’s out standing in his field all day.”

The sentiment was echoed by Art Wiebe, an elder statesmen of Kleefeld farmers.

“Diewel, would you look at that?” muttered Wiebe, as he drove by in his rusty old Dodge Charger. “That Abe Friesen is out standing in his field from morning to night. It’s a wonder any work gets done around there.”

Friesen showed up at church on Sunday, eagerly anticipating the presentation of his prize.

“I guess they must have forgot,” said Friesen. “Or maybe they were too cheap to buy a trophy. That’s okay, the recognition as the most Outstanding Farmer in Hanover is all I need.”

Friesen also said the reason he was out standing in his field so often was that there were so many rocks to pick.

Congrats to this week’s headline contest winner, Glenn Mabbutt who submitted an idea similar to the one used in today’s post. There actually were a few suggestions along these lines and Glenn’s was the first to arrive. Congrats, Glenn!

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