Local farmer Peter Funk showed up to church this past Sunday with a pick-up truck of plucked and processed chickens ready to be thrown in the offering plate.
“I was a little behind on my tithe,” said Funk. “I think I hadn’t paid it in about six months. I sure hope they accept payment in poultry.”
When the offering plate reached Funk he told the usher to wait a moment and then backed up his truck in front of the church and started tossing them into the foyer.
“Here’s June and July,” he said as he attempted to cram an entire chicken into the offering basket. “And here’s August, September, and October.”
In total Funk donated more than 100 chickens to the East Blumenort Brethren Church.
“We normally ask for cash or cheque,” said Pastor Henry. “But we can always use a good chicken. I guess you’ll be able to figure out what we’re having for faspa before the evening service tonight.”
(photo credit: by sponselli/CC)