Klaas Bergmann, 57, of Plum Coulee has successfully completed his goal of reading through the entire Bible in a year simply by driving back and forth on Highway 14.
“I made it through half of Psalms and the entire book of Colossians after just a five minute drive,” said Bergmann. “I will admit a few times I got distracted by the ads for all the farm implement dealerships, but if you keep your eye on the prize you, too, can read through the Good Book in a year!”
Despite spending most of his time reading biblical billboards, Bergmann says he has not yet gotten into a major accident.
“I rear-ended a Goertzen reading Romans 3:23 and nearly sideswiped a Penner getting through the Book of Jeremiah,” admitted Bergmann. “But, you know, that just proves they’re not paying as close attention to the scriptural signs as I am!”
Bergmann says he was especially excited to read the Chastity sign over by Morden.
“This is even better than a book-on-tape,” said Bergmann. “I wouldn’t be surprised if I got a seminary degree from all these billboards.”
Bergmann’s one safety recommendation, however, is that drivers slow way down and strap on their seatbelts when they get to the infamous Song of Solomon section near Horndean.
(photo credit: Global Reactions/CC)