Mr. Peter W. Goossen of Linden, Alberta has decided to splurge on the rental of a huge 22 inch colour television to enjoy the Grey Cup this afternoon with his family.
“We’re all very excited around here,” said Mr. Goossen. “I’ve got the rabbit ears just where I want them yet!”
The Goossens have watched the annual CFL championship game every year for the past thirty years, but this is the first time they’ll be seeing the game in colour.
“I didn’t even know it gave such until my daughter told me, ‘Dad, it comes in colour yet,'” said Goossen. “I thought, ‘oba, no, can’t be, but, oba, yo, it does give such!”
Just in case things don’t go so well for his beloved Stampeders, Mr. Goossen has also rented a VCR along and purchased a few VHS tapes from the MCC as a back-up plan.
“We’re going to stick around and watch that Shania Twain at half time for sure yet,” said Goossen, “but after that if the Stamps aren’t doing well we’re all switching to Dr. Zhivago.”
The colour TVs have been in high demand at the Linden rental shop this year, though locals have been renting them by cover of night lest they be seen by that nosy Penner woman across the road.