Disgusted at his team’s performance, area man Pete Klassen shut off the TV at half time as his team was down 33-0.
“Oba, I’ve had enough!” said Klassen tossing the remote control at the television set. “No more! This is it. Martha, it’s time for meddachschlop!”
Unbeknownst to the Klassens, while they snuggled peacefully in their queen size bed, the Vikings proceeded to tally up the biggest comeback in NFL history.
“Ahhh, guess I better wake up. Time for faspa,” said Pete. “Hmm, did I miss anything?”
Pete was so upset by the Vikings first half performance, however, that he didn’t even watch the highlights or check the score or anything.
“I don’t even think I’ll show up at church tomorrow,” said Pete. “I know it’s the fourth Sunday of Advent, but after that loss it sure doesn’t feel like Christmas to me.”
Meanwhile all of Pete’s buddies are eager to show up at church in the morning and talk about the game, I mean the sermon, in the lobby afterwards.
(photo credit: Amy Meredith/CC)