Mr. Peter Stobbe of La Crete had tried just about everything the trajchtmoaka prescribed, but nothing, just nothing, would solve that chronic ache in his elbow until he tried a spritz of WD-40.
“I figured if it works on the tractors, it should work on me,” said Mr. Stobbe, showing off his new flexibility. “I was like the Tin Man for years until I stumbled on this trick.”
His wife Nita, however, says she’s not quite sure the WD-40 is as effective as her husband claims.
“It’s done nothing for our meddachschlop life,” said Nita. “I think he could use another couple spritzes.”
Mr. Stobbe will be spraying all his joints with WD-40 until he feels as fit and agile as he did at the La Crete MMBEMC church picnic potato sack race in the spring of 1978.