Moments after the City of Winnipeg announced plans to allow for “backyard chickens,” Corny Wiebe bought quota for a 10,000-bird chicken operation, which he plans to open on his North Kildonan property.
“Finally I can have the convenience of city life, with the reliable income of poultry farming,” said Wiebe. “We’ve already ordered thousands of broilers. The chicks are so cute when they’re little.”
Wiebe is really excited to have a barn so close to various Chicken Chef locations, and plans to pave over his backyard pool and build a 10-storey barn in order to accommodate the operation.
“We’ve got schekjbenjels working on it already,” said Wiebe. “I’m also already in talks to bring in Chihuahua’s top chicken catchers in fall.”
Wiebe said the new backyard chicken law in a real boon to his bottom line, but promises to pay his civic taxes with a freezer’s-worth of delicious Mennonite chickens delivered right to Brian Bowman’s doorstep.