An audience of Englishers from the city was left completely baffled by the Plautdietsch jokes at a local soup and pie fundraiser this past week. Even when translated, the jokes just didn’t seem to make any sense to the crowd who had travelled in from Vanapag for the event.
“I still have no idea what a Shekjbenjel is, or why he’d fe’scheete the Peat behind the barn with his frintschoft,” said Mr. Walker from the city. “These jokes make no sense whatsoever.”
The evening featured the stand-up comedy stylings of Mr. Pieta Wall all the way from Cuauhtemoc and were translated by a boy from the local Sunday School.
“Pieta would tell a joke, then little Timmy would translate, and then we’d wait for the laughter, but it never came,” said Mrs. Friesen who organized the event. “I don’t know what’s up with these Englishers. Maybe it’s against their religion to laugh or something.”
All the Mennonites in the crowd were left with the impression that the Englishers from Vanapag just don’t have a sense of humour at all because they’re so stoic and pious.
“They may not have liked our jokes, but they sure did like our soup and pie,” said Mrs. Friesen. “We’ve went through so much jreen schaubal zup that I had to go back to the house and get Mary to put another pot on the stove.”
The event organizers plan to try out German hymns on a crowd of Englishers at the next soup and pie fundraiser.
(photo credit: Brett James/CC)