Graphic designer Mr. Plett, 58, of Leamington has decided that so long as this coronavirus thing is keeping him at home he might as well not bother to put any clothes on.
“I’ve been home since Monday and I haven’t even put on a pair of socks,” said Plett, via Skype. “I guess this is just my new normal now.”
Plett says that he’s been ordering in food and once they drop it off at the door, he just peaks out his head to make sure the Reimers aren’t looking and grabs the delivery.
“I think I’ve never been more productive in my entire life,” said Plett. “And the best thing is all my email recipients will never know!”
Plett’s plan was foiled, however, after he forgot to cancel the Tuesday night Bible study and three Friesen and an Unger showed up at his door.
“When the doorbell rang I thought it was my kung pao chicken, but actually it was the Ungers,” said Plett. “I don’t know what scared them off, but it’s probably for the best.”
Plett plans to put on some clothes only if and when the government says it’s safe to do so.