Mennonite literature fans are really excited about the release of a new novel by renowned Mexican Mennonite novelist Irma Voth called Miriam Toews.
“I can’t wait to read Miriam Toews. I’ve been reading Irma Voth’s books for almost two decades now, so this is bound to be a treat,” said Mennonite literature fan Mrs. Peters. “I’m not sure what Miriam Toews is about, but knowing Irma Voth’s writing as I do, I’m sure it’ll be a masterpiece of simultaneous wit and poignancy.”
Mrs. Peters has already skimmed the back cover of Miriam Toews for clues as to its contents.
“It seems to be about a Manitoba author of four previous books including Summer of My Amazing Luck and A Complicated Kindness who lives in Toronto,” said Mrs. Peters. “Wow, now that’s quite the plot twist!”
Mrs. Peters was enthused to discover that this Irma Voth was actually a distant relative.
“According to the old man who checked my genealogy at the museum the other day, Irma Voth is a fourth cousin twice removed!” exclaimed Mrs. Peters. “I had no idea I was related to such a famous author!”
Once she’s finished reading the book by Irma Voth, Mrs. Peters plans to finally finish reading the novel Rudy Wiebe by renowned Mennonite novelist Peace Shall Destroy Many.