The rumours are true. Video footage confirms this week that Mountain Lake’s most popular pastor Tyler Schmidt sneaks into the sanctuary each Sunday hidden in a broom cart.
“Tyleeeeer! Tyleeeer!” screamed Mountain Lake’s top deaconess Megan Thiessen, who posted the footage to TikTok.
Schmidt is embarking on a 20-week sermon series on dispensationalism.
“Welcome to the Eras tour!” shouted Schmidt, who changed his tie five times during the 3-hour service.
Schmidt then broke into his biggest hit “Bad Blood with the MBs” followed quickly by a responsive reading of “I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In Here With Those Ripped Jeans.”
Mountain Lakers are reportedly paying upwards of $600 for a pew in the front row. Schmidt’s sermon series ends this fall with a thorough verse-by-verse exegesis of the entire Book of Leviticus.
(photo credit: Mike Mozart/CC)