Dozens of Mennonite Swifties have defied church orders and travelled from as far away as Aylmer and Leamington to attend a Taylor Swift concert in Toronto this weekend.
“I’m going to hear about it from the elders when I get home,” said 26-year-old Brittney Klassen. “But, hey, seeing Taylor Swift is worth 6-months of beet-cleaning duty.”
The Mennonite Swifties spent all week crafting ‘frintschoft’ bracelets to exchange with all their distant cousins at the concert.
“I mostly put Bible verses on mine,” said Rebecca Martens, 21, of Leamington. “Well, either that or Taylor Swift lyrics. It’s hard to tell.”
Anyone interested in a frintschoft bracelet will have to look for the women in long flower dresses and kerchiefs on their heads.
“We’ll be over in the women’s section, just like in church,” said Olga Klippenstein. “I’m sure you’ll find us.”
Klippenstein was pleased to discover that, unlike in church, Taylor Swift apparently allows women to sit wherever they want.