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Mennonite Woman Caught Shoplifting Rhubarb


Area woman Maryanne Voth was so desperate to make platz this weekend that she found herself with a temptation she just couldn’t resist: rhubarb.

“Usually Anges Froese provides me with all the rhubarb I could ever ask for,” explained Voth from her Saskatoon jail cell. “But this year she had so many soup and pie fundraisers that she couldn’t spare a stalk.”

Voth explained her desperate situation, but officials say it’s no excuse for sticky fingers.

“You shouldn’t be swiping it from your neighbour’s garden, either,” said Constable Olfert. “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

Voth will spend then next ten months or so behind bars, and will be released just in time for next year’s rhubarb harvest.

(photo credit: calmcalmcalm/CC)

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