Mrs. Pankratz of Blumenort, Manitoba is set to enter the Guinness Book of World Records this week after creating a Mexican Chain that stretched through her front yard, straight down Penner Avenue, and almost clear on into Blumenhof across the highway.
“Her Dominoes playing is truly remarkable,” said onlooker Margaret Broesky. “She began sometime around noon and kept adding domino after domino. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
It quickly became evident that Mrs. Pankratz would require a few extra tables. Luckily Margaret came to her assistance.
“I could she was going to need some help, so I got my Earl to set up our garage sale tables,” said Margaret. “But even those didn’t last very long.”
Mr. Pankratz kept aggressing plopping down dominoes and eventually the RCMP had to be called to stop traffic out on highway 12.
“When we saw Mrs. Pankratz was going for a record, we immediately closed the highway,” said Constable Dyck. “By the end of the day her Mexican Train was weaving its way through the Ridgewood EMC parking lot.”
Mrs. Pankratz plans to go for the Chicken Foot record next weekend.
(photo credit: Liko81/Wikicommons)