During the pandemic, Mrs. Smucker of Wooster, Ohio has been holed up watching MTV all day and discovered that a lot of music videos these days refer to “Mother Smuckers.”
“I don’t recognize any of those so-called Smuckers and, based on the looks of things, I doubt any of them are even mothers,” said Mrs. Smucker. “If you want to meet a real Mother Smucker, come to Wayne County, Ohio on Sunday afternoon!”
Mrs. Smucker has fourteen Smucker children and 112 Smucker grandchildren, not to mention a few Smucker great-grandchildren on the way.
“Not only am I a Mother Smucker but I’m a Grandmother Smucker, too,” said Mrs. Smucker. “And let me tell you, no one cooks up a feast on Sunday after church like a Mother Smucker. You’re welcome to join us Smuckers for lunch!”
Mrs. Smucker promises to cook up enough food for both real and wannabe Mother Smuckers, but warns there will be no frivolity in her backyard.
“There will be plenty of fresh baked bread and jam, but absolutely no tomfoolery!” said Mrs. Smucker. “If anything goes wrong, you’ll be sure to hear from Father Smucker.”