Mrs. Irene Klassen of Steinbach was very excited about the new AI historic photo app her granddaughter Megan told her about. That is, until the results came in and all the photos looked exactly the same.
“Waut de hunt! It doesn’t matter what time period I put in there yet. All the same!” said Klassen. “1950s, 1920s, even way back to the 1800s and 1700s. Same dress, same duak, same housebarn in the background.”
Klassen was certain something was wrong with the app and decided to upload a photo of her husband Peter.
“Na, oba! The same collared shirt and suspenders going back centuries?” exclaimed Klassen. “I’m not so sure this artificial intelligence is as intelligent as they say it is!”
After printing out all the versions of herself from various generations, Klassen said she had a really hard time telling the difference between her photos and the photos of her great-grandmother in the Klassen book.
“Who says Mennonites don’t like change?” said Klassen. “I’m using an app on the computer, aren’t I?”
Megan quickly corrected her grandmother and said that, no, actually she’d just been trying to upload her photo to the toaster oven again.