Samantha Peters, 22, was the lone unmarried graduate at Vankla Bible Institute this spring and, thus, was refunded her full tuition including the cost of textbooks.
“Ugh, well, I guess I just wasted the last four years of my life,” said Peters. “I never should have done that Honours degree.”
Most students were paired up by the end of the first semester, but Peters kept on attending in hopes that maybe there would be a sophomore breakup she could take advantage of.
“But it never happened,” said Peters. “They all were swapping their promise rings for engagement rings pretty quick. Even Delmer Fehr found a match. What’s a Mennonite gal to do?”
Peters received a $32,000 cheque along with her diploma and a sincere apology from the Chancellor of the school.
“We’re always striving to do better,” said VBI Chancellor Bergman. “But sometimes it’s just a numbers game. If you’ve got uneven numbers, someone’s gonna be left out. I wish Samantha nothing but the best as she soldiers on looking for someone at her church College and Career group.”