Mrs. Nita Krahn, of Campo 6A, held a lovely retirement ceremony for her favourite tobbdüak this week after the dish cloth could no longer stand up to the rigours of washing the family’s dishes three times a day.
“Oba, it’s time for you to have a little rest,” said Mrs. Krahn, affectionately folding the tattered tobbdüak and placing it at the bottom of the kitchen drawer. “You’ve served the Krahn family well. Now enjoy your golden years.”
The tobbdüak was lovingly knitted by Krahn’s Oma in 1989 and had washed more than half a million plates, saucers, and pieces of cultery over the years.
“If only my Obraum would work this hard,” said Mrs. Krahn. “Well, there’s a reason I prefer to snuggle up next to this tobbdüak during meddachschlop.”
Now that he’s retired, the tobbdüak plans to busy himself with other tasks.
“I’m going to slow down a little, but I’m not going to be idle,” said Mrs. Krahn’s favourite tobbdüak. “There are a lot of opportunities for a retired tobbdüak like me to volunteer in the community. I’m thinking of ushering in church once in a while.”
At the ceremony, the tobbdüak was presented with a gold watch and says now that he’s retired, he plans to travel with his wife the Scotch-Brite scouring pad.