A hush fell through the crowd at the Hillsboro pickleball courts this week as Dave Penner, 61, entered the kitchen for the very first time in his life.
“I was in tears,” said Penner’s wife Agnes. “I’ve asked that man to go in the kitchen so many times over the years, I can’t believe it’s finally happening.”
Dave, however, came in and out of the kitchen without even so much as frying a sausage or buttering a piece of toast.
“I don’t know what he was doing in there,” said Agnes. “Ugh, it seems like I still have to do all the cooking around here.”
While Dave still has much to learn, Agnes admits that her husband is making progress.
“I don’t know why he’s so upset with himself,” said Agnes. “I’ve been stepping into the kitchen for years.”
Agnes says she’ll continue to encourage her husband to enter the kitchen at least until Dave fires her as his pickleball coach.
(photo credit: Seattle Parks and Recreation/CC)