It isn’t often that the Daily Bonnet reports on something real, but here is a rare exception that was too good to pass up. Earlier today (March 2018) Jennifer Wiebe of Sanford, Manitoba sent me this picture of her brand new license plate: HYM 606.
Jennifer purchased a vehicle at a dealership just outside the perimeter of Winnipeg and was told they were handing out license plates in the HYM 590s.
“She said I could pick whatever number I wanted,” said Wiebe, “and I joked that if I could only get HYM 606.”
And, lo and behold, that number was available. The woman working there was not Mennonite and had no idea why Jennifer had selected this number. But we all know!
The great thing is, as Jennifer pointed out, the license plate is NOT a vanity plate. She paid nothing extra for it.
“Obviously, as what self-respecting Mennonite would spend that extra money on something so frivolous?”
(photo credit: Jennifer Wiebe. Thanks, Jennifer!)