Area woman Diane Toews got up early this morning knowing she was going to need a bit of extra time to extract the pickles, but it was all for naught.
“Faspa was over and I still didn’t have that top pickle,” said Toews. “I don’t know how my aunties always do this.”
Toews tried sliding a finger beneath the pickle, but it was wedged too tight, and she didn’t want to break it in half.
“Then I tried a fork,” said Toews. “But that didn’t work either.”
Still Toews soldiered on.
“I just have to get that first pickle,” said Toews. “Then they should all come out east after that.”
Meanwhile the rest of the Toews clan has moved onto the sliced cheese and rolled up ham.
“The raisin buns are much easier to access,” said cousin Ron. “As much as I like pickles, I think Diane should give it a rest and come join us already.”