A hit new reality show has been streaming on television sets across the country this week. The show called ‘Real Housewives of Holmes County’ explores the outrageous wild lifestyles of Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. Gerber, and Mrs. Troyer, who bake and sew and make sure the kids are in bed on time.
“The ratings are through the roof,” said show producer Mr. Hochstetler. “The episode where Mrs. Weaver reads through the entire Book of Hebrews was the biggest hit our network has ever seen!”
While the show focuses on the “wild frivolous Mennonite” women of the area, residents are quick to point out that these women do not represent everyone in Holmes County.
“Of course they show the Mennonite minority, but what about the Amish?” said Mrs. Miller. “Half the time I think this show is scripted and they’ve just hired professional actors from Millersburg or something!”
In an effort to keep people watching, future episodes will include an incident where Mrs. Gerber has to put down the family dog Burton and another “scandalous episode” where Mrs. Troyer lets the dishes sit in the sink until the next morning.