Esther Brandt, 18, was shunned by her community and church this past week because she married outside the faith. Brandt grew up in the CMMC church, but her new husband, Johan Fast, is an EMMC’er.
“They use a little bit more water in their baptisms,” explained CMMC pastor William Huebert. “That is something we simply cannot abide, and if Esther chooses to associate with such people, well then we just cannot associate with her.”
In 1925, with the influx of MB’ers into the area, the EMMB joined with the CMCMCC to become the CMMC and they have not spoken to each other ever since, especially because the former CMCMCCers have since moved to Mexico to form the MCMCMCC conference and the EMMBs who remain in the CMCMCC are seriously contemplating joining the M&Ms.
“She is now unequally yoked with an EMMC’er, but at least she didn’t marry an GCMB’er. That would be even worse,” said Huebert. “The only church worse than them is the MBBM. Those people are just not right.”
Now that they’re married, Brandt and Fast plan to attend the local FEMB church, but they’re also considering the BMs, BMBs, MBBs, MCCs, E=MCs… and also the Lutherans.
(Photo credit: by Devensters/CC)