The Abbotsford Men’s Crokinole League is taking extra precautions these days and has implemented a league-wide policy requiring knipsers to wrap their knipsing fingers in plastic bags.
“We are taking every measure to ensure our knipsers are safe,” said league president Mr. Goerzen. “After each shot we spray the shooters with Lysol.”
One measure, however, that is creating a challenge for pro knipsers is being required to keep six feet away from the board.
“You really have to work on your lean shot,” said league champ Mr. Wiebe. “Either that or use a push broom.”
The league is also following provincial guidelines by not allowing audiences of over 250.
“Usually we have a packed house in the MB basement,” said Mr. Goerzen. “It’s a good thing we have all that television revenue.”
So far the ratings this year have been through the roof, so much so that the Abbotsford’s Men’s Crokinole League will be rewarding the league champion this year with 24 rolls of toilet paper, which in today’s market will make them the highest paid athletes in the world.