It was the most shocking moment in Eric Loeppky’s storied volleyball career, as announcers at the 2024 Olympics actually said his last name right.
“It was no trouble growing up in Steinbach,” said Loeppky, “but as soon as left home, I heard all sorts of mispronunciations. Loppkey, Low-eppky, Lope-key. You name it.”
It’s not yet known how the announcers discovered the correct pronunciation, but there are a few theories.
“Maybe they followed the Unger Review’s pronunciation guide, though that’s doubtful,” said Loeppky. “I think maybe my grandmother contacted them – that’s also a possibility. However it happened, I’m just glad they got it right.”
There are also rumours going around that the volleyball announcers hired a spy drone to hover over Chicken Chef in Steinbach just as church is letting out and gather intel on how to say Loeppky.