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Mixup Has Trudeau “Re-signing” Instead of Resigning


After weeks of pressure, a group of rogue MPs have convinced Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to re-sign with the Liberal team.

“Hey, you know, I was thinking of quitting, but with all this pressure to re-sign, I just had to stay on,” said Trudeau. “I had no idea I was still so popular.”

The new re-signing means Trudeau will stay on as leader for at least a couple more elections.

“Win or lose, this re-signing means I’m still with you,” said Trudeau. “It’s nice to feel loved.”

By the time the rebel MPs discovered their error, but it was too late.

“Looks like we’re stuck with him,” said one MP who did not wish to be named. “All on account of a hyphen.”

In unrelated news, hockey superstar Sydney Crosby has decided to retire rather than resign his position like everyone seems to want him to do.

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