There was a time when Steinbach was so conservative that springs in the carriage seat were considered worldly and the railway was moved 8 miles out of town so the sinners couldn’t get too close. So, it comes as a shock for some people to find out that Steinbach is actually the automobile capital of Manitoba. Today, however, Steinbach returns to the traditions of the past with the opening of the first horse-and-buggy dealership on Main Street since old Mr. Loewen’s shop closed in 1993.
“We really need to shake this ‘Automobile City’ image,” said new buggy dealer Mr. Plett. “We’re really disrupting the market with our amazing new horses and/or buggies.”
Plett and Sons Buggies and Horses celebrated its grand opening on Saturday, while many local Mennonite families traded in their minivans for buggies.
“I’m glad the churches are on board with this,” said Plett. “I saw a real boom in sales after the most influential pastor in town preached a 5-part sermon series against combustable engines.”
Plett is hoping the local auto dealers will follow suit and join him in selling horses and buggies.
“Some could just sell horses, others could just sell buggies, it wouldn’t matter,” said Plett. “As long as they aren’t selling Broncos and Mustangs we should be fine.”
The cruisers on Main Street have already made the switch, much to the relief of anyone trying to take a nice peaceful walk through the heart of Steinbach.
(photo credit: Jon/CC)