When the title card rolled up onto the screen of the new Star Wars movie, Mennonites and others well-versed in reading High German rose to their feet and sang along to ‘Das Emperium Schlagt Zuruck‘ which is, apparently, number 517 in the new Mennonite hymnal.
“It was really too bad they didn’t have the notes because the melody was all over the place,” said Star Wars fan and closet-movie-goer Diane Thiessen. “It was okay, though, because my girlfriends and I sang along in four-part harmony.”
Other patrons of the film didn’t seem to understand what was going on and soon expressed their displeasure at the impromptu Vespers service.
“Will those Mennonites in the front row sit down and be quiet! I’m trying to watch a movie here!” proclaimed one man dressed in a Yoda outfit. “That’s it! I’m calling the manager.”
By the time the manager arrived, however, the hymn sing had ended and the disruptive Mennonites had already vacated the theatre.
“We’re out of here,” said Thiessen. “Besides, have you read the reviews? The opening title crawl is by far the best thing about the whole movie.“
(Photo credit: orion/CC)