While population figures have shown considerable growth in Steinbach over the past 5 years, locals were relieved to know that the city still has the highest church to people ratio in the country. With one church for every 3.2 people, Steinbach is definitely the most churched city in the country.
“I’m glad to see that even though our town is growing, the number of churches has also grown,” said local city councillor Dwight Braun. “We see them popping up everywhere these days. We’ve almost got more churches than we have Tim Hortons locations.”
More churches means more options for church-shoppers. In this regard, Steinbach has the greatest selection in Canada, though 80% of the churches are some variation of Mennonite.
“We’ve love to see the Anglican, Unitarian or Orthodox Church come to town,” said Braun. “Maybe even the Quakers. Give the Mennonites a run for their peace-loving money.”
In response to the new census, a interfaith church-planting committee has been formed with the hope of bringing the ratio close to 2:1 by the next census.
“I don’t care if it’s done through church planting or church splitting, but we’ve gotta get that number down,” said Braun. “I’ve heard Winkler is catching up.”
(photo credit: by bambe1964/CC)