Everything old is new again it seems. That certainly is the case with outhouses. In the last year, outhouses have received a huge upsurge in interest among hip young Mennonites.
“They’re mega-rad and retro,” said CMU student Darla Peters-Friesen-Wall. “I mean, like, you just go out there, do your business, and you don’t even have to flush. It’s totally analog!”
Millennials have been scooping up “old school” outhouses all across the region.
“I’ve got a vintage outhouse built in like the 30s or something,” said Peters-Friesen-Wall. “Everyone I know’s got one. They’re the most normcore washrooms out there.”
Some have even taken to retrofitting the outhouses into a fully-functional living space.
“I know there’s all these people who are into tiny houses and stuff,” said Peters-Friesen-Wall, “but I don’t know anyone who’s got a house as tiny as mine!”
As a result of this renewed interest in primitive outdoor lavatories, local real estate agents have been signing on to represent farmers who still happen to have an outhouse somewhere in the back forty.
(photo credit: laggedonuser/CC)