Local man Peter Reimer, 69, always knew his father was a Peter Reimer, but after consulting with the genealogy experts at the Mennonite Heritage Village, discovered that he was descended from a line of 15 Peter Reimers dating back to the 16th century.
“My father was a Peter Reimer and my grandfather was a Peter Reimer,” explained Peter Reimer. “I found out today that my great-grandfather was a Peter Reimer, too, as was his father. It’s Peter after Peter after Peter going back centuries.”
The first Peter Reimer was born in 1490 in Friesland and the firstborn son in every generation after that was also named Peter.
“I also found out I descend from a long line of Mary Loewens, though that’s a little harder to explain,” said current day Peter Reimer. “I guess those Peter Reimers always had a thing for Loewens … and Marys for that matter.”
Peter Reimer believe the first Peter Reimer would be very pleased to see how all the successive Peter Reimers turned out.
“We’ve produced more than our fair share of pastors and successful farmers,” said Peter Reimer. “I think the original Peter Reimer would be proud to see us carry on his good name.”
In unrelated news, local man John Friesen reports that he comes from a really long line of John Friesens.