The popular ‘More-with-Less’ Cookbook has been given an update for 21st century young people. Now revised as the ‘Less-with-More’ cookbook, publishers are hoping it will attract the important millennial demographic.
“We’ve done our market research and anyone under 40 doesn’t want to do more with less; they want to do a lot less with more,” said cookbook editor Mrs. Stoltzfus. “So, we’ve given them what they want. The recipes are designed to be as inefficient as possible.”
Local millennial Amanda Bender is really excited about the new book.
“I’m always looking to do less with more,” said Bender. “That cookbook is going to look great on my coffee table and Instagram feed.”
Like all millennials, the cookbook will be left completely unused.
“What captures our generation’s more-with-less attitude more than not even cooking for ourselves?” said Bender. “Ahh, I love being a millennial.”
In unrelated news, publishers are also trying to come up with a new cookbook for Gen Xers where all the recipes are bitter and impossible to swallow.