More than a year and a half into the pandemic, there’s a new Harry Enns every few weeks it seems. In Winkler this week, once such Harry Enns just moved into town, which was very concerning for locals.
“I don’t like to hear about new Harry Ennses,” said Mrs. Toews with furrowed brow. “I guess I better get that vaccine, after all, what with this new Harry Enns in the neighbourhood.”
Winkler’s newest Harry Enns is rumoured to be from Delta, BC, which has Mrs. Toews extra suspicious.
“I’m all for a Harry Enns or two from the Fraser Valley,” said Mrs. Toews, “but those Harry Ennses from the Greater Vancouver area really make me nervous.”
It’s not yet known what can be done to prevent the spread of Harry Enns in Winkler, but the city council has already made plans to erect a wall like they did to prevent the spread of Abes.