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Quick Internet Search Proves Area Man Was Right All Along


In a total coincidence, area man Calvin Berg just happened to find a really neat political commentator who “tells it like it is,” by which he means “says exactly what I want to hear.”

“It’s strange,” said Berg. “All I’m doing is going out there searching for someone to confirm my pre-existing beliefs and bam! there he was!”

Berg takes all of this as a sign he’s correct about everything, since the YouTuber he sought for exactly this purpose, seems to agree with him about all topics.

“Weird, it’s almost as if there’s a near infinite amount of YouTubers out there and all I have to do is search for one that agrees with me,” explained Berg. “It’s always nice to have my beliefs go completely unchallenged.”

Berg says that now that he’s found a likeminded individual on the Internet, he no longer has to engage with ideas coming from any other sources.

“What a relief,” says Berg. “I was beginning to have doubts about my beliefs. But now that I’ve found this YouTuber, I can rest at night knowing that I am correct.”

In other news, a local YouTuber now believes he’s right about everything since he finally has a follower.

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