A recent Stats Canada study has revealed that Boomers are no longer the dominant generation and are now outnumbered by Millennials. In order to address this concerning trend, Boomers have begun utilizing several strategies that they believe will help even the score.
“My Tina and I have been having meddachschlop a lot more often since we heard the news,” said Peter Fehr of Leamington. “There’s no reason to believe that just because she’s 71 years old that she’s past her child-bearing years.”
The Fehrs plan to have at least three more children, which they believe will be added to the number of Boomers out there.
“We’re going to start a new baby boom,” said Fehr. “That’ll teach those millennials a thing or two. Plus their taste in music is atrocious.”
The Fehrs have been joined by the Wiebes, Klassens, and Heppners, all of whom plan to be part of the plan to start a new baby boom.
“And we’re also claiming some of the older Gen Xers as our own,” said Fehr. “Anything to avoid being surpassed by the Millennials.”
When someone pointed out to Fehr that all these new babies would not be counted as part of the Boomer generation, Fehr seems unconcerned.
“I’m just in it for the meddachschlop,” said Fehr. “Always have been.”
photo credit: by bravenewtraveler/ CC)