Every winter the parking situation at Altona Gospel Brethren Mennonite Fellowship Church becomes a bit awkward as a huge pile of snow accumulates on the lot and reduces the parking capacity by up to 35%.
“Thankfully the last bit of snow is gone now and Mr. Friesen will finally be able to park his Buick,” said Pastor Dave. “That mound of snow has been worrying us quite a lot actually.”
Pastor Dave says they’ve been praying for a melt for quite some time as Mr. Friesen, who usually comes a little late, has had to park on the street, usually a block or two away.
“It’s really inconvenient,” explains Pastor Dave. “Plus we’re concerned that he might just start attending the Baptist church or something. He’s parked right in front of it, after all.”
Pastor Dave has forced his sons to shovel show all spring in hope that the thinner layer would melt faster.
“I’ve got my boys working 24/7,” said Dave. “We’re usually able to free up one spot every week or so.”
Meanwhile Mr. Friesen says he’s going to stop attending the church unless they agree to pile up the snow mountain on the pastor’s spot next winter.