Reports from the annual Christmas party of the law office of Dyck, Friesen, and Froese indicate that a shocking display of sobriety was demonstrated by almost all the employees.
“It’s like this every year. People just aren’t themselves around Christmas time,” said Mr. Friesen, Esquire. “We had three paralegals and a data entry clerk sneak back into the photocopy room with a bottle of Evian. Such a shame.”
Friesen explained he also caught the IT manager and a couple legal secretaries slamming back glass after glass of chocolate milk and politely discussing the weather.
“I hate to see this,” said Friesen. “It’s really not the type of reputation our firm likes to have. But, you know, I’m sure all office Christmas parties around here are like this. It’s Abbotsford after all.”
After the quiet and uneventful office Christmas party the partners at Dyck, Friesen and Froese have vowed never to have a Christmas party again and just get everyone $15 gift cards for the White Spot instead.