According to tax returns, residents of Steinbach, Manitoba tithe at a much higher rate than any other community in the country.
“This is truly a generous community when it comes to paying pastors’ salaries and paving church parking lots,” said Stats Can rep Doris Kroeker. “I mean not even Winkler is as generous in their funding of new carpet in the church foyer as Steinbach.”
Mennonites are encouraged to give the church at least 10% of their income, although this has always caused some debate in town.
“Is that 10% of gross or net income?” said Mr. Toews at the coffee shop. “The scripture on this really isn’t clear.”
Regardless, the end result is that that Steinbach blows other cities out of the water in terms of charitable donation.
“And to think, there’s no BINGO nights or 50-50 draws to pad the stats,” said Kroeker. “This is all collected via cash, cheque, or monthly direct deposit straight into the church gymnasium fund.”
It’s not yet known whether the funds raised through soup and pie fundraisers are included in the calculations.