After months of consulting water sommeliers in neighbouring Niverville, a massive new water treatment plant opened in Steinbach this week, which promises to provide locals with “the distinct bouquet and mouthfeel of authentic Niverville tap water.”
“After tasting tap water across the region, a recent stop for lunch in Niverville clinched it for us,” said Steinbach water works manager Billy Plett. “The aroma, body profile and finish of Niverville tap water was simply indescribable.”
Plett said he also tasted New Bothwell and Blumenort tap water, but felt they were a bit too tannic for his taste.
“A really prefer a nice dry tap water, perhaps with a hint of sulfur,” said Plett. “And with a few adjustments to our existing system, Steinbachers will be able to experience the wonderful array of aromas and flavours that until now were the exclusive domain of our neighbours to the west.”
Plett says Steinbach still has a long way to go to match the great tasting water found in Winnipeg taps, but says this new Niverville system is a step in the right direction.
“I hear Grunthal’s going to start running Wonder Oil through their system,” said Plett. “When it comes to tap water, you’ve got to stay on top of your game.”
The Town of Niverville, in the meantime, plans to start bottling their tap water and selling it as fundraiser to purchase city status.