Taylor Swift’s small town Pennsylvania roots are finally on display in her new music video ‘The Menno’, which features the 30-year-old pop sensation, through a combination of Hollywood makeup and cutting edge CGI, transformed into a middle-aged Mennonite man named Dietrich.
“I think this video sends a really strong message,” said Swift, speaking through a Pennsylvania Dutch translator. “Be who you wanna be, do what you wanna do! I’ve always wanted to be a Mennonite man, so I seized on the opportunity!”
In preparation for the role Swift lived with the Brubachers of Bird-in-Hand for a solid month where she grew out her beard and wore rubber boots the entire time.
“It was a blast! I even got up and preached a few sermons,” said Swift. “The only thing I didn’t like was the music. They really could use a new DJ. Mr. Schwartzentruber just ain’t cutting it!”
‘The Menno’ video already has more than 500 million views on YouTube, which makes it the most popular Mennonite video on the net since Dietsche Mejal’s Mennonite eyebrow tutorial.