A minute spelling error in a newspaper ad led hundreds of Ted Falk voters to a lecture hall at the University of Manitoba this past week. Instead of a speech by the Provencher MP, they found themselves in a theatre full of academics to hear Amy Cuddy discuss ‘How Body Language Shapes Who You Are.’
“At first, I thought, ‘Oba, nay, Martha, but where is Ted yet?'” explained Steinbach resident Martin B. Klassen. “But then the lights went dim and Martha said, ‘since we drove all the way from Steinbach yet, we might as well stay and hear what this Enjelsch lady has to say.’ And so we did.”
The Klassens were one of dozens of couples who drove into Winnipeg for the event. TED Talk organizers were seen setting up extra chairs to accommodate the influx of Mennonites. After politely listening to Ms. Cuddy’s speech on how posture can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, Mr. Falk’s fans broke out into a chant.
“We want Ted! We want Ted! We want Ted!”
Much to the annoyance of the increasingly unruly crowd, MP Falk did not appear. Instead, there was a lecture by noted author and Harvard graduate Susan Cain.
“It was a fascinating talk,” said Klassen. “She’s no Ted Falk…but I did learn something about ‘The Power of Introverts.'”
Falk’s supporters said they enjoyed the TED Talk, and learned quite a lot, but were disappointed there were no free hot dogs.
(photo credit: by urban_data )