Oba, so sometimes when you live in Steinbach you don’t even realized how Menno your life is. It all just seems normal until you stop and take a closer look. Take, for example, these texts my wife Erin has sent me. This is just a sample from the last couple months. And, yes, these are real!
- “Leaving MCC now. You might find me walking along Barkman.”
- Walking along Barkman, eh? Erin’s always walking along Barkman it seems…
- “Now I’m leaving the MCC and I’m going to help my mom with her printing issue.”
- Oh, and she’s also always leaving the MCC. However, she’s much more likely to announce her departure from the MCC than her arrival. And a mother-in-law with computer problems. How Menno is that!
- “Why aren’t more Mennonites named Joseph?”
- It’s a good question. It’s a biblical name. So why so few Josephs?
- “Well, mom got her iPad…needs your help ASAP!”
- For some reason I’m the go-to person when it comes to turning iPads off and then on again.
- “What deodorant do you use these days?”
- Inquiring minds want to know. Hey, at least I use deodorant. Pretty good for a Menno I’d say.
- “Do you own ‘The Salvation of Yasch Siemens’?”
- Yes, more than a few copies. Who doesn’t?
- “We’re going to Chicken Chef tonight. Your parents will pick you up at 4:40 pm.”
- This one is self-explanatory. Oh, and yes, Mennonites like to be in and out of a restaurant by quarter after five.
- “I need to go to the MCC to find a costume for this weekend.”
- It seems like she’s just finding excuses to go to the MCC. She has a problem I think.
- “Ralph Friesen’s book is at the MCC for a loonie. Should I get it?”
- Oh my gosh, yes!
- “There’s chicken soup and a sausage roll in the freezer. And pizza perogies.”
- But I already got take-out sushi….