After decades of rumours, the truth about Sesame Street residents Bert and Ernie has finally been revealed! In an exclusive interview with the Daily Bonnet, Ernie admitted what we had all been suspecting for quite some time.
“We’re schekjbenjels,” said Ernie. “I hold ladders over at the Klippenstein farm, while Bert fetches things from the truck for Mr. Penner.”
Ernie also played the Mennonite game for a while, and it was discovered he’s a Friesen from Altona, while Bert is in the Loewen Book.
“We’ve known each other since our days on the Plett poultry farm. That was where I developed my affection my good pal the rubber ducky,” said Ernie. “He’s still the one.”
When asked whether he and Bert were more than just friends, Ernie did not hesitate to reply.
“Of course we are,” said Ernie. “We hand out bulletins together every third Sunday at church.”
In other news, sources say that Snuffleupagus will be bringing the message this Sunday and Oscar the Grouch has now been promoted to head elder.
(photo credit: Wikipedia/CC)