Alright, folks, this one is easy. I promise. It’s so easy that even the staunchest of Lutherans should get ten out of ten. Here it is: the world’s easiest Mennonite quiz.
Normally, we focus on Mennonites around these parts, but Quakers are close enough…or are they? We’ll find out. What we do know is that they’re so much more than just oats and oil. If you’re […]
Mennonite Heritage Week is upon us. In fact, it’s almost over. But no doubt there will be a few Englisher media publications that will try to write an article or two about us Mennos. And […]
From schmaunt fat to Dutch Blitz and everything in between. We’ll see how well you can tell Swiss from Russian Mennonites. I just hope this quiz doesn’t cause yet another schism… [wp_quiz id=”2586″] (photo credit: […]