Pleased to see a full lecture hall full of students ready for his talk on the consubstantial nature of the trinity, Dr. Warkentin was a full 40 minutes into the class before Physics professor Dr. Siemens intervened.
“He was on a roll,” said Dr. Siemens. “I didn’t want to interrupt. Besides there’s a lot of parallels between consubstantiation and Bell’s theorem of quantum mechanics.”
Utterly riveted by the subject matter, students were seen frantically taking notes.
“I can’t understand what that guy’s blathering on about anyway,” said Kyle. “All I want to know is whether this is going to be on the test.”
After a while, Dr. Siemens seamlessly took over the class and asked Dr. Warkentin to return to Classroom 2A where his class of 7 theology students was waiting.
“I’ve already got them started on Ernst Mach’s empiro-criticism,” said Dr. Siemens. “They can’t tell the difference.”