Mr. Dueck was behaving very strangely during faspa on Sunday afternoon. His behaviour was so unusual, in fact, that other guests said there was absolutely no Reimer Friesen for it.
“I get it, the man’s a Dueck, but there’s no Reimer Friesen to be go on in such a manner,” said Mr. Reimer, who witnessed the event. “Saying grace in English, skipping out early, wearing shorts in church? I hear he even smokes cigars! What an odd man!”
Dueck’s mother was a Kehler and says he hasn’t found any Friesen or even Reimer in his genealogy.
“As a Dueck, I’ve always been a bit of an outcast,” said Dueck. “But that’s okay. Not everything needs a Reimer Friesen.”
Dueck is also known to ride a bicycle to church and occasionally attend services at the local United church.
“I don’t really know why I do it. I’m just a strange bird,” said Dueck. “Went to the shrink once and even he said there was no Reimer Friesen for the way I am. Guess I just have to live with it.”