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Thirst Trap? Oma Lures Opa with Fresh Homemade Iced Tea


Oma Wiebe, 71, has been hearing a lot about “thirst traps” from her grandchildren and figured it was finally time to post one of her own.

“I know my Abe is always parched after a hard day out there in the canola,” said Oma Wiebe. “I just hope he’s checking his Instagram, because I posted the thirstiest thirst trap of them all.”

Wiebe spent a good hour or two positioning the glassware so that the iced tea looked its very best.

“If I want Opa to come in from the fields, I need to get a good pic,” said Oma Wiebe. “I can’t be photographing my iced tea at just any old angle. It’s gotta look nice. The lemon, the ice cubes, everything’s gotta be just right.”

As it turns out, Oma’s thirst trap was more effective than she anticipated, as farmers from across the region descended on the Wiebe farmhouse.

“They all wanted a taste of my iced tea,” said Oma. “It was too much, really. This is the very last time I follow my grandchildren’s advice and make a thrist trap.”

As for Opa, apparently he didn’t even see the photo as he was too busy ogling pictures of brand new John Deeres.

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