Always trying to getting something for nothing, tens of thousands of Steinbachers pitched their lawn chairs within listening distance of Summer in the City concerts this weekend.
“Yeah, well, I can hear perfectly fine from right outside the Scotia Bank,” said Wanda Doerksen, 55, of the Mitchell area. “Why should I pay twenty-five dollars so that the concert actually breaks even and the artist gets paid, if I can listen for free from the sidewalk?”
Listening to concerts for free has been a long-standing Summer in the City tradition. While the city has parked huge semi-trailers to block the view from non-paying citizens, Steinbachers, it seems, are content to hear the music from a distance.
“I’ve heard Tom Cochrane, Burton Cummings, and Trooper this way,” explained Doerksen. “In my opinion, the best seats in the house are just in front of Sushi Garden. Plus, it’s in proximity of some great sushi. Not that I’m buying any. I’ve brought along plenty of knackzoat.”
Doerksen also reported that she was very much against “all those teenagers who download music for free on the Internet.”
“That’s stealing,” she said. “But as for me, I’m just trying to get a night’s entertainment without having to pay anything for it at all.”
(Photo credit: by Scott Penner/CC)