After the on-again off-again relationship with broadcaster ABC, Tim Allen, born Tim Dick, has decided to take his talents elsewhere with a new sitcom called “Last Mennonite Standing.” In the new show Allen plays a conservative Mennonite man named Johan Barkman who runs a chicken eviscerating plant and tries to cope with his liberal children.
“Some say I’m just playing myself again,” said Allen, “but that’s not true. This time I’m doing a killer Low German accent!”
Allen, known for his working class characters throughout his career, is excited to add yet another one to his list.
“It was only a matter of time before I played a Menno. Tool man, sporting goods salesman, Mennonite. I think it works,” said Allen. “I even cast one of my own cousins to play my wife Maria!”
Each episode of the new show involves conflict between the Johan Barkman character and his progressive children who push him to try new things like potato-and-cheddar perogies or chorizo.
“In the end we all come together and realize that what separates us is insignificant compared to our unifying love for four-part harmony and cheese curds,” says Allen. “I’m really proud of this show!”
‘Last Mennonite Standing’ airs every Sunday afternoon just after meddachschlop.